Bahkan menurutnya, masyarakat bisa berhenti menghakimi mereka untuk mencegah kejadian serupa terulang lagi.
"And this is a reminder that we need to pay more attention to pregnant mothers who have no support from their surroundings,
there are lots of them out there, especially during this pandemic times..
Too many people judge pregnant girls (rape victims or even simply someone who happen to get pregnant before marriage and feel ashamed of herself).
We need to change that and start giving support for them... They need to know that they're not alone, that there are people to talk to.
We need to stop judging them for the sake of humanity and also to prevent further killing like this," tutur Nana Mirdad.
Menemukan jasad bayi bukanlah suatu hal yang baik menurut Nana Mirdad.
Selain merasa bersalah, ia juga dihantui trauma setelah kejadian tersebut.
Tak sampai di situ, anak Lydia Kandou ini mengaku momen itu membuat dengkulnya terasa lemas.