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Menanti 14 Tahun untuk Hamil, Wanita Ini Meninggal Saat Melahirkan, Dokter Bagikan Kisah Penuh Harunya

Agnes - Selasa, 24 September 2019 | 15:30
Ilustrasi bayi
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Ilustrasi bayi

I was devastated and sad, I went to break the news to her husband myself, upon hearing the news, her husband fainted, their happy day just turned sour.

Baca Juga: Berenang di Laut Gunakan Kontak Lensa, Wanita Ini Alami Kejanggalan pada Matanya: Seperti Ada Logamnya

We lost a life just to deliver a new life today.

Please respect women because they pass through the valley of death to bring life.

Respect your wife! Carrying your baby for 9 months is no jokes and labouring for hours to give birth to your children is a huge sacrifice.

I pray to God to please protect everyone reading this, especially pregnant women, please put them in your prayers.

Dear husband, I repeat respect your wife because she is truly the giver of life.

May God strengthen all pregnant women, you will all deliver your babies like the women of Hebrew.

Don't ignore this post, share to others it is very important because the women in our lives should be worshipped...."

Baca Juga: Disimpan Ibunya Selama 50 Tahun dan Tak Diizinkan Siapapun Membukanya, Pria Ini Terkejut Melihat Isi Kotak dalam Kulkas Ternyata Bayi Beku!

Berikut terjemahannya:

“Hari ini adalah hari paling menyedihkan dalam hidup saya..

Source :Instagram

Editor : Wiken

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